来源:本站  发布时间:2016/10/29 8:23:14   浏览量:      【字体:    】      【繁体版】


From June 10, 2010, Kuwei Zhongzheng began to conduct soulforce medicine constellation to treat diseases. First 20 cases did not take video. From August 28, 2010 to August 26, 2012, altogether 457 cases of soulforce medicine constellation with whole-process video record are preserved.

In the 457 cases, 454 cases are Chinese, 3 cases are Japanese, These two Japanese are 86 and 89 years old.

Kuwei Zhongzheng arrived at a conclusion in soulforce medicine constellation: in China, 40% of serious diseases are related to killing, including killing of human beings, abortion and killing of animals. Killing consists of killing in present life and in past lives. The proportion of serious diseases associated with killing of animals exceeds 14%, abortion exceeds 18%. 40% of diseases are caused by false history and are known as “historical diseases”, that is, falsification will cause diseases. 10% of diseases are caused by damaging to ancestral graves, a greater proportion of diseases are caused by failure to worship ancestors, about 4% of diseases are related to extraterrestrial life forms or obstruction of transmission of cosmic messages.

This is consistent with the practice of not protecting animals and excessively having abortions in China, consistent with the practice of not attaching importance to life and excessively killing living beings in China, consistent with many false histories and forging in China, and is consistent with not attaching importance to worshipping the ancestors and not worshipping the souls of the dead.

In these cases, 5% major diseases were caused by the Sino-Japanese Wars.

Three cases of Japanese diseases were caused by the Sino-Japanese Wars.

In these cases, no Americans, but showing that many diseases of Chinese people related with the U.S., especially related to the war. In the cases of soulforce medicine constellation with the U.S. are:

Birthdate of Cristoforo Columbus was September 22, 1452. (Case No.320)

Mao Zedong’s son Mao Anying did not die in North Korea, but committed suicide in the U.S. on March 22, 1952. (Case No.352)

Sino-U.S. South China Sea Plane Collision Incident Was Caused by the U.S. Shooting Ice Bomb, Wang Wei’s soul did not rest. (Case No.360)

The U.S. government commemorated their soldiers been killed in the war. However, the non-military persons are forgotten by the government and receive no commemoration. Such as those young women who had accompanied the U.S. soldiers in warships, they had also died in the Japanese attacked on Pearl Harbor but had received no commemoration. They are totally forgotten by government and American people, their souls are not rest. (Case No.207); NGO persons in the Korean War have been forgotten, those souls did not rest in peace, still possessed descendants, including the Chinese people, causing disease. (Case No.362)

It was shown that after the U.S. threw atomic bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945, on August 17, the radioactive pollutants floated to China. In the later ten years, the number of dead people in China exceeded the number of dead people in Japan, However, common people did not know that it was caused by the radioactive pollutants of the explosion of the atomic bomb, and they just thought that it was because of pestilence. When China had the smallest population, it was only 0.4 billion. Through the soulforce medicine constellation, it was shown that August 17, 1945 is the National Calamity Day of China. (Case No.369)

No Americans in the cases of soulforce medicine constellation, I hope to do soulforce medicine constellation for American, and know the differences of diseases between Chinese and American.

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