(7) Back pain of 40 years of an old professor was caused by his family member killing a python
来源:本站  发布时间:2016/10/29 8:23:53   浏览量:      【字体:    】      【繁体版】

(7) Back pain of 40 years of an old professor was caused by his family member killing a python

On August 29, 2010, President of Hainan Institute of Happy Family, English Professor Zhang Naihui came to Shenzhen to ask Medical Master Kuwei Zhongzheng to treat his back pain of 40 years, which could not be cured wherever he went in China. Kuwei Zhongzheng adopted a method called “soulforce medicine constellation” created by himself. Time flew back, and it showed that two pythons, a male and a female went to his home. The male python was killed by his family member, and the female python escaped. After the python was killed, its soul possessed Professor Zhang, and that caused his back pain for 40 years. Professor Zhang admitted that really happened, two pythons went to his home, one was killed, and the other escaped. His wife said she also heard of it from the old people.

The soulforce medicine constellation showed that after his family killed the python, his four uncles died just after the age of 30, plus other persons in his family, altogether more than 10 persons died in succession, and all these were caused by the revenge of the python.

In the soulforce medicine constellation, a man who could not walk conveniently and seemed to have infantile paralysis was also seen. Professor Zhang said that was his uncle, who had infantile paralysis from when he was young. Actually, it was the python’s soul that dragged his leg, not infantile paralysis.

In the soulforce medicine constellation, it was also seen that his dead grandma kicked his waist, reminding him that a python was killed in his home.

The mentor Kuwei Zhongzheng instructed the couple to apologize to the python sincerely. When the soulforce medicine constellation proceeded to 80%, he had no back pain, and the back pain did not come back later.

Professor Zhang was very happy. He excerpted parts of the contents of the three books of Kuwei Zhongzheng, Love Transfer, Back to the Origin and Soulforce medicine constellation to translate, and published Soulforce Medicine in English.

Professor Zhang worked in the central ministry of China, established a translation company in Haikou after retirement, and acts as the President of Hainan Institute of Happy Family. However, the back pain had always troubled him. In the 40 years, he tried all kinds of methods, Western medicine, Chinese medicine, massage, and could not get it cured till the age of 73. Until  soulforce medicine constellation was adopted, the cause was found. After he apologized to the python killed by his family member, his back pain was cured on the spot without having medicine and injection.

Duration of the soulforce medicine constellation was about more than two hours. In the treatment process, specialized company was invited to record video of the whole process and make DVD, which was delivered to the party, so that they could experience the scene of the soulforce medicine constellation again after they went back and apologize and correct mistake sincerely. The DVD was only provided to the party to protect privacy.

Soulforce medicine constellation is making the time flow back to the starting point of disease, finding the reason, and making corrections. If the Party apologizes sincerely, makes corrections and is excused by the revenger, after the reconciliation, he/she will be cured. If the party neither apologized nor made corrections and there is no reconciliation, he/she will not be cured.

Let’s recall the scene before and after the soulforce medicine constellation. During the soulforce medicine constellation, the couple did not have meal with us on the same table, as they believed in Buddha and only ate vegetarian dishes. They saw that we have animal food on our table, they did not eat them and only had noodles in clear soup. Therefore, they realized that the back pain was caused by killing the python, they apologized sincerely, and after the reconciliation, the disease was cured on the spot. This case was case 7 recorded in “soulforce medicine constellation” and can be seen on the net www.lingpai.org.

During the soulforce medicine constellation,  Kuwei Zhongzheng utilized more than ten people. It was like that these people had their “heavenly eyes” opened. They told what the “heavenly eyes” saw or what they felt, or did the actions. Integrating the expressions of these people, it was a complete story (just like a complete drama). So that the cause and effect of the thing was clear, and after the party apologized, his back pain was cured.   

For “this drama (soulforce medicine constellation)”, the audiences on the spot could see clearly, and got educated. Sensitive audiences could participate in it, and jointly finish the drama (soulforce medicine constellation). Each of the personnel on the spot automatically represented a role.

This case of soulforce medicine constellation showed a vivid “retributive justice” story. After the party (we call him the client )apologized sincerely, his disease was cured right on the spot.

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