(123) Hyperplasia of mammary of 20 years was caused by abortion
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(123) Hyperplasia of mammary of 20 years was caused by abortion

On March 20, 2011, soulforce medicine constellation was conducted for a lady from Guangzhou, who had hyperplasia of mammary glands for 20 years and hand ache and foot ache. The soulforce medicine constellation showed that the lady had eight abortions, and the eight babies’ souls possessed her and hit her, and she was hit on all her body except one arm. She admitted that she had eight abortions and was almost paralytic for a period of time, and only one arm could move. The soulforce medicine constellation showed those clearly, including the toothache. In addition, the soulforce medicine constellation showed three children miscarried automatically, the party recognized it is a fact.

She did not think that abortion could cause disease. After the soulforce medicine constellation showed her the scene, she apologized till crying bitterly. After the reconciliation, the babies’ souls finally rested. In the soulforce medicine constellation, she received a mission, propagandize “protect life and appose abortion”. After she went back, within one week, her ache disappeared, and her face muscle relaxed. She looked completely another person, she had a benignant look and looked very pretty. Before that, she had intense face muscle and looked frightened. This is case 112 of the soulforce medicine constellation.

Of course, after receiving the mission, she shall do it after going back. If she does not do it, the disease cannot be cured, or will relapse.

On April 2, that same lady from Guangzhou conducted soulforce medicine constellation for the inharmonious relationship between the couple. She was surprised to find that even the snore and breath pause of her husband are exactly the same as the reality. His husband’s nose was pinched by the baby’s soul of abortion, which caused the snore and breath pause of his husband. Through the soulforce medicine constellation, it was known that the inharmonious relationship between the couple was also caused by the revenge of the baby’s soul of abortion. The baby’s soul had always been in between the couple, making their relationship inharmonious. The baby’s soul possessed a woman, made her become the third party of the family, so as to revenge the couple. So both the inharmonious relationship between the couple and the arrival of the third party have cause and retribution. This is case 123 of the soulforce medicine constellation.

Later, that lady brought her friends coming back from the U.S. The brothers came on May 8 to have soulforce medicine constellation conducted for their mother’s lumbar pain and foot bone necrosis. The soulforce medicine constellation showed that their mother induced abortion for a girl. That unpeaceful soul came to revenge. She already brought their father away, and then she wanted to bring their mother away, so their mother had lumbar pain and foot bone necrosis. She also decided to bring away the brothers after bringing their mother away.

At first, the brothers denied that their mother induced abortion for a girl. Later, they called their mother, and their mother admitted that really happened, completely matching the reality. Their father really died of lymph cancer in 2007, and had been hospitalized for 10 years before that due to lymph cancer. The misfortunes happened in the family were all caused by their sister of abortion. After they apologized and met the requirements of their sister, her soul rested. This is case 165 of the soulforce medicine constellation.

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