(244) Hysterocarcinoma of the younger sister in Britain was caused by abortion)
来源:本站  发布时间:2016/10/29 8:37:24   浏览量:      【字体:    】      【繁体版】

(244) Hysterocarcinoma of the younger sister in Britain was caused by the baby’s soul of abortion and soul of the turkey killed possessing her

On August 14, 2011, soulforce medicine constellation was conducted for a patient in Britain who had hysterocarcinoma. The patient was in Britain and did not came, and her elder sister in China had it done. The soulforce medicine constellation showed that the hysterocarcinoma was caused by a baby’s soul of her abortion and soul of the turkey killed possessing her. After the sister apologized to the baby’s soul and the turkey’s soul, the baby’s soul and the turkey’s soul left and rested. Actually, the younger sister opened a restaurant in Britain, and the restaurant killed turkeys. 15 days after the soulforce medicine constellation, the patient went to the hospital to have examination, and cancer cell could not be found. In January 2012, she had an examination in the hospital again, and cancer cell could not be found. Till now, cancer cell was not found again. During this period, no drug was used, and only Quantum Resonance Information Water was used to correct the frequency. This is case 244 of the soulforce medicine constellation.

The same patient had cephalagra for 20 years, and soulforce medicine constellation was conducted for her on November 20, 2010. At that time, she was in Britain, and her elder sister in China had it done for her. Three days after the soulforce medicine constellation, the cephalagra was obviously relieved, eight days after the soulforce medicine constellation, the cephalagra completely disappeared. This is case 49 of the soulforce medicine constellation.

In 2009, Once she came from England to China, it needs originally more than one week to rectify the jet lag after returning. she lay down in bed of the Quantum Resonance Information Water the night of her returning. The time difference was corrected 5 hours later.

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