(329) Lumbago of 30 years of a husband was caused by the baby’s soul of abortion
来源:本站  发布时间:2016/10/29 8:38:20   浏览量:      【字体:    】      【繁体版】

 (329) Lumbago of 30 years of a husband was caused by the baby’s soul of abortion possessing him

On December 3, 2011, a wife from Jiangyin, Jiangsu conducted soulforce medicine constellation for her husband who had lumbago for 30 years. The soulforce medicine constellation showed that the couple was revenged by a baby’s soul of an abortion. The baby’s soul twisted the waist of the husband, and that’s why he had lumbago for 30 years. And he couldn’t work for 30 years.

During the soulforce medicine constellation, the wife apologized to the baby’s soul, and after reconciliation, the baby’s soul rested. Within one week, the wife fed back that her husband was cured and could go to work. This is case 329 of the soulforce medicine constellation recorded in the book “Soulforce medicine constellation – Declassify Karma and Diseases”.

Abortion is serious killing, and the baby’s soul has hatred and revenges the mother and the father. If the decision of abortion is made by the father, the baby’s soul revenges the father with emphasis, so the father cannot escape. Sometimes, the baby’s soul transfers the anger on the brothers and sisters and makes the brothers and sisters sick.

In the major diseases, proportion caused by abortion reaches 18%.

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