(388) Her father being a plant man and her son having leukemia caused by Cultural Revolution
来源:本站  发布时间:2016/10/29 23:55:33   浏览量:      【字体:    】      【繁体版】

(388) Her father being a plant man and her son having leukemia were caused by her grandfather torturing people to death during the Cultural Revolution

The director of a famous hospital in Beijing contacted Kuwei Zhongzheng, saying that a leader in Beijing wanted to have soulforce medicine show conducted. Her father was a plant man and her son was supposed to have leukemia, and could not be cured, and she hoped to solve them through soulforce medicine show.

In the communication, considering the diseases were caused by retributive justice, after the soulforce medicine show showed the reason, the party must apologize and repent, and the diseases could be cured. If the party was unwilling to apologize and repent, the diseases could not be cured. Considering the party may not apologize and repent sincerely, or due to political factors or face, the party was unwilling to apologize and repent, Kuwei Zhongzheng did not agree to arrange soulforce medicine show for her.

Later, after the director of the hospital came to conduct repeated communication, soulforce medicine show was conducted for a case, i.e. on February 25, 2012, soulforce medicine show was conducted for “her father having hemiplegic paralysis for ten years and being a plant man for four months”. The soulforce medicine show showed that her father owed two sisters love debt in his previous life and four people died. The souls came to collect debt and brought the soul of her father away, so he became a plant man.

In addition, the soulforce medicine show showed that there were two bloodsuckers in the party’s home, but there was no time to get more information of the two bloodsuckers. The two bloodsuckers sucked the blood of the father. No wonder the director of the hospital said that transfusion amount for her father was very big, but they did not know where the blood went. This is case 365 of the soulforce medicine show.

Because we did not know the degree of acceptance of the leader in Beijing to soulforce medicine show, in that term, we only arranged one case of soulforce medicine show instead of two cases for her. That leader also carefully watched the other five cases of soulforce medicine show, and thought them true and shocking. She wanted to have another case conducted, but as we were tired, in order to guarantee the quality of soulforce medicine show, we could not add case in tired state. So we decided to have the soulforce medicine show conducted for her son’s supposed leukemia after a while.

Later, the leader came again, and had soulforce medicine show conducted for her son, i.e. on April 21, 2012, “her 10-year-old son having supposed leukemia, being bigoted and speaking unexpected things”. The soulforce medicine show showed that her grandfather tortured people to death during the Cultural Revolution. After the Cultural Revolution, her grandfather obstructed redressing for the dead. So the souls of the dead stayed in her home and sucked her father’s blood. So her father needs large amount of transfusion. The souls sucked the blood of her son, and the doctor diagnosed it as supposed leukemia. In the soulforce medicine show, the symptoms of her son shown were consistent with the actual ones, and it was shown that the two souls often sat on the knee joint of the party. The party said no wonder she felt pain in her knee joint, and that complete matched her own symptom.

The party apologized to the people tortured to death during the Cultural Revolution, and the two souls rested.

In the past, the party’s grandfather was involved in power struggle of the Cultural Revolution unconsciously, and then the party was involved in power struggle unconsciously. This case of soulforce medicine show warned the party that power struggle was irrelevant to her, and she just needed to be herself well. After she stayed far away from power struggle, he son was quite, was not bigoted any more, and spoke normally. This is case 388 of the soulforce medicine show.

This is a case of vivid retributive justice. People were tortured to death during the Cultural Revolution, but there is price for that. The grandfather tortured people to death, and then the father and son had to repay debt. No matter how big the power is and how high the position is, no one can escape the karma law, and only the karma law can restrain the behaviors of everyone.


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