(417) Abdominal distension for more than 20 years cause by Midway Island Battle
来源:本站  发布时间:2016/10/30 0:16:30   浏览量:      【字体:    】      【繁体版】

(417) Abdominal distension for more than 20 years was caused by the American soldier sending telegram in the Midway Island Battle being reincarnated and soul of the baby discarded by his mother possessing him  


On June 16, 2012, Soulforce medicine show was conducted for a man from Taizhou, Zhejiang, who had abdominal distension for more than 20 years. The man suffered from the abdominal distension but had no bellyache, and it was not cured after treatment of 20 years by the hospital. The soulforce medicine show showed that the party was an American soldier who sent false telegram saying that the waterpipe of Midway Island was broken and seduced the Japanese army to bomb the Midway Island in the previous life. He sent false telegram confirming that the code B in the Japanese telegram was the Midway Island, and seducing the Japanese army to bomb the Midway Island. He knew the information of the Japanese airplanes coming to bomb the Midway Island in advance and survived, but seven to eight battle companions of his died, and this was his previous life. In this life, he was reincarnated into China, and the souls of his battle companions followed him, making him had abdominal distension and reminding him that he sent false telegram saying the water pipe was broken. In addition, the souls of the Japanese soldiers died in the bombed submarine also followed him, making him had abdominal distension. In addition, the soul of the baby 20 years younger than him and discarded by his mother also followed him. The baby was reincarnated in the wrong place and was reincarnated in his superior belly, and stayed there for more than 20 years. For the above reasons, he had abdominal distension for more than 20 years, and the hospital could not solve it. The soulforce medicine show solved these problems one by one.

It was no wonder that the man was tall and thin and looked like an American very much. In the soulforce medicine show, in the final reconciliation stage, his battle companions in his previous life wanted to practice boxing with him. He acted skillfully, going back to his previous life and going back to the pleasant scene of practicing boxing with his American partners. In this life, he did not learn boxing, but he was suddenly very skilled on the spot.

From the above cases, we can know that there are definite national boundaries and nationalities in the 3D space, but there are no definite national boundaries and nationalities in the 4D space. The party was an American in the previous life, but may be reincarnated into a Chinese in the next life, and the souls of his battle companions would follow him, making him had disease. Therefore, there is no winner in the battle, and the two parties of the war may be partners in the previous life. Therefore, we shall cherish peace.

   For the details, see case 417 of soulforce medicine show.

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