(320) Birthdate of Cristoforo Columbus was September 22, 1452
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(320) Birthdate of Cristoforo Columbus was September 22, 1452

On November 20, 2011, soulforce medicine show was conducted for “the four-year old daughter having hollow right lower face”. The soulforce medicine show showed Mayan civilization, Atlantis, Columbus finding the new continent and Einstein etc.

The soulforce medicine show showed that Columbus found the new continent. Columbus was not sailing blindly on the sea, and he had his purpose. Before the sail, he had map in his brain. It is the map given by god, and Columbus was from the exoplanet (soul of alien reincarnated), and he had surprised pleasure after finding the new continent......

The soulforce medicine show showed that the birthdate of Columbus was September 22, 1452, while in the history, it is recorded that the birthdate of Columbus was in August or October 1451. This case of soulforce medicine show unconsciously revealed the birthdate of Columbus. This is case 320 of the soulforce medicine show.

Looking from the data, main festivals of U.S.A. are mainly New Year’s Day, Washington's birthday, Ribbon Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. Columbus Day is the second Monday of October.

Columbus is considered as the first person who found the Continent of America in the west. In August 1492, he led 120 people and took three ships to leave Spain and sail around the world. In October 12, 1492, after sail of more than 30 days, they finally landed on San Salvador Island in North America. Later, Columbus sailed to the coast of America to conduct field investigation for three times.

 U.S.A firstly initiated commemorating the Columbus Day in 1792. On this day each year, Most states would conduct celebration, parade, church worshipping and school events to commemorate this day with historical sense.

 Because Columbus is very important to the Americans, September 22, 1452, birthdate of Columbus found in the soulforce medicine show is written here.

Columbus found the Continent of America, and Kuwei Zhongzheng found the birthdate of Columbus.

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