What Are Soulforce Medicine show
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What Are Soulforce Medicine show


Kuwei Zhongzheng, the Master of Medicine, found and proved the existence of soulforce and soulforce field—the fifth force and fifth field of the universe, created soulforce medicine and soulforce medicine show (“soulforce show” for short).

During soulforce medicine show, Kuwei Zhongzheng makes the full use of the Quantum Resonance Information Water’s role of transmission and disintegration of resonance information, to disintegration the fifth force and fifth field of the universe---soulforce and soulforce field, let the four-dimensional space-time (include more than the four-dimensional space) which people could not see by eyes presented in the three-dimensional space, so that people’s eyes could see. Find a method to resolve diseases (events) from the four-dimensional space-time (multi-dimensional space-time).

During the soulforce medicine show, Kuwei Zhongzheng utilized more than fifteen people. It was like that these people had their “heavenly eyes” opened. They told what the “heavenly eyes” saw or what they felt, or did the actions. Integrating the expressions of these people, it was a complete story (just like a complete drama). So that the cause and effect of the thing was clear, and after the party apologized, disease was cured.  

For “this drama (soulforce medicine show)”, the audiences on the spot could see clearly, and got educated. Sensitive audiences could participate in it, and jointly finish the drama (soulforce medicine show). Each of the personnel on the spot automatically represented a role. They were performed automatically following soulforce field which had been disintegrated.

Before soulforce medicine show, the party does not need to provide any clues, only saying the problems which want to solve. During soulforce medicine show, associated information of event is automatically presented.

Soulforce medicine show have many uses. Kuwei Zhongzheng mainly use to treat disease.

Soulforce medicine show is making the time flow back to the starting point of diseases(events), finding the reason, and making corrections. If the Party apologizes sincerely, makes corrections and is excused by the revenger, after the reconciliation, he/she will be cured.

Soulforce medicine show show disease is a retributive justice. Health, money, wealth, career and conjugal relation etc. are all related to karma.

Soulforce medicine show can dispose diseases, money, wealth, career, conjugal relation and paranormal events etc., and can crack all other problems such as technical problems, enterprise management problems, natural phenomena, recalling the previous life and forecasting the future etc. It can also be used to search for people, search for relatives and crack criminal cases etc.

Besides those from Mainland China and Hong Kong, the parties also include the Chinese and foreigners from U.S.A., U.K., Canada, Japan, Singapore and Norway etc.

On January 21, 2012, trade mark license of State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the People’s Republic of China was obtained for “soulforce medicine show”, and it is protected by the law.


Elements of Soulforce Medicine show


 “Soulforce medicine show” is consisting of party, representatives (like actors and actresses), audiences (may become actors and actresses), tutor (director), stage and stage properties etc.  




According to the difference of using habit, some people call the person who needs to solve his/her problems (patient) party and some people call the person who was present on the spot to solve problems on behalf of others party. Both conditions exist.

The party does not need to provide personal identity information or medical record data, and he/she just needs to simply describe the problems that he/she needs to solve orally. During the soulforce medicine show, one person from the family must come, and when the patient cannot come, one person from the family can come on behalf of him/her.

Each case of soulforce medicine show only solves one theme. The party only states one theme. The party can choose the problem that troubles him/her the most or the problem that lasts the longest. If the problems are caused by the same soul, during the soulforce medicine show, these symptoms will be solved at the same time.

During the soulforce medicine show, in the process of the party watching the proceeding of the soulforce medicine show, the party can immediately confirm “yes” for the things that are shown at the time and understood by him/her, and forms interaction (resonance). For the things that the party does not understand, he/she shall not use “not right”, “not that case”. If these negative words are used for multiple times, information of the representatives will be cut off. Especially for the parties who have the soulforce medicine show conducted for their family members, if they do not understand, they can investigate and verify afterwards, but shall not immediately use negative words to deny. As what the soulforce medicine show shows cannot be wrong, there are only the things that the party does not understand at the time or the things that the party did not know before. For his/her own things shown, the party shall not deny or beautify intentionally, otherwise he/she may be misled, and his/her disease cannot be cured. When apologizing and repenting, the party shall be sincere and shall not be careless.

In the soulforce medicine show, the privacies related to the event cannot be hidden. Therefore, before the soulforce medicine show, the party shall be mentally fully prepared to face his/her own and his/her family’s privacies.

Children under 12 years old shall not be brought to the field of soulforce medicine show, unless the child is the party himself/herself. The child can enter the field of soulforce medicine show for his/her own problems, but he/she shall leave the field after the disposal, so as not to influence others.

The most frequent question asked is “Can I be 100% cured after the soulforce medicine show?” or “how long can I be cured after the soulforce medicine show?” In fact, the people who ask this problem don’t understand retributive justice. Disease is a retributive justice. The current disease is caused by the party or the party’s predecessors doing bad things in the previous life or this life, and the current disease is the retribution. Our soulforce medicine show follow the results to find the causes, and make the time flows back to find the “causes”. After the “causes” are found, the reconciliation depends on the party himself/herself, and the party needs to repent, apologize and repay. If the party himself/herself does not do these things, the karmic creditor will not leave and will continue to collect debt, and the disease will not be cured. If the creditor does not get the repayment, he/she may collect debt from the party’s offspring, and the offspring will have disease, which is shown as familial disease. Therefore, the so called familial disease is the common problem that is not solved encountered by the family.

If the soulforce medicine show show that the disease is caused by killing animals, and the party continues to eat animals and kill animals, the disease will not be cured.

After we find the causes, the tutor leads the party to make corrections. If the party makes corrections immediately, the more sincere he/she is, the quicker his/her disease will be cured, and his/her offspring will be safe.

Therefore, the speed of curing of the diseases after the soulforce medicine show do not depend on us, but depends on the party himself/herself.

Seriousness of the problems seen in the soulforce medicine show are also related to the curing speed of the disease. If the soulforce medicine show show that the party kills living beings seriously, it is not good for his/her disease, and the first article in the five monastic disciplines and ten merits in Buddhism is not killing living beings.

If the party rejects, denies or does not accept, the disease will not be cured. Of course, in many cases, it was already too late when the parties found us, and we could not get the patients cured. However, through soulforce medicine show, the problems commonly faced by the parties or their families were cleared, and their offsprings were safe. In that way, the negative karma brought to them in their next life was less.

Seeking help from Western medicine is external pursuit. The Western medicine itself never considers “retributive justice” and never thinks of the true causes. Even if the western medicine looks for the causes, it mistakenly regards “predestined tie” as “cause”. Therefore, the Western medicine cannot cure many diseases. While soulforce medicine show are internal pursuit. The tutor assists the party to find which wrong things were done and correct immediately, and the more sincere and faster the correction is, the faster the disease will be cured.



 “Representatives” are like the actors and actresses in the drama, and they are the working personnel or audiences whom we have already prepared and who are on the spot during the soulforce medicine show. Through languages, actions, singing and stage properties on the stage, they automatically express the soulforce and soulforce field of the event (disease) information that is already decomposed after feeling them. Or they describe or act what they see via the heavenly eyes. Each role is different from others.

For the actors and actresses in the drama, the roles are allocated in advance. For the representatives in the soulforce medicine show, the roles cannot be arranged in advance. The representatives feel their respective roles in the soulforce medicine show, or it is like the heavenly eyes are opened, and the representatives express what the heavenly eyes see. For example, after a while after the soulforce medicine show start, the party will see the words, deeds and behaviors of a person on the spot are like his grandfather’s, the words, deeds and behaviors of a person on the spot are like his grandmother’s, the words, deeds and behaviors of a person on the spot are like his father’s, the words, deeds and behaviors of a person on the spot are like his mother’s, and the words, deeds and behaviors of a person on the spot are like his. These people represent his grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and himself. Sometimes, the representatives represent animals, and sometimes, the representatives represent abstract concepts. Although no clue of the party’s family is provided, information of these people and animals etc. is expressed automatically on the spot, and even the figures who died many years ago or the historical figures who died several thousand years ago are represented. 

The method of soulforce medicine show are similar to “opening heavenly eyes” or “soul entering body” that people commonly refer to. The heavenly eyes on the spot see or feel the decomposed universe information or the information enters the body of these trained people. As long as he/she is sensitive enough, a person who participates for the first time can read the universe information and participates and perform jointly (like a figurant). We call these “actors and actresses” “representatives”.

During the soulforce medicine show, a role represents a concrete figure or element, so we call him/her “representative”.

Generally a soulforce medicine show needs about 15 representatives.

If an audience has sensitive feeling, he/she can be a representative too.

As a representative, sometimes a male represents a female and a female represents a male. Sometimes, the male and female representatives are irrelevant to their sexes, so when we record the cases, sometimes we have to mix he/she.

Along with the proceeding of soulforce medicine show, the roles may change. One role ends and the representative represent a new role. We must pay attention to the changes of roles.


Training of Professional Representatives

Since the implementation of soulforce medicine show, we trained a batch of “professional representatives”, and made a lot of audiences participated, making them experienced the soulforce medicine show and its truthfulness as “masses representatives” and “nonprofessional representatives”.

For the “professional representatives”, in principle, we choose the parties with their cases done and their own problems cleared. They basically can participate in each term and statistics of their class hours and credits are collected.

Incompetent representatives (the main reason is that they are not sensitive) will lose information, they not only encumber the whole soulforce medicine show field, but also mislead those who are being trained and are easy to cause misunderstanding by the audiences. Therefore, our representatives are strictly trained. During the training, we implement the system of eliminating the lattermost. A representative will be eliminated in the following conditions:

1.He/she cannot accurately perceive the role he/she represents and cannot express the information in time during the soulforce medicine show;

2.He/she use his/her brain to analyze a lot (the information is from the 3D space, but not perceiving the information from the multiple-dimension space coming from the soulforce field), speaks a lot of words out of the field, interferes with and misleads the proceeding of soulforce medicine show;

3.He/she brings in certain specific knowledge (but not the information coming from the soulforce field), interferes with and misleads the proceeding of soulforce medicine show;

4. He/she does not leave message on the Internet or the message he/she leaves cannot manifest the role he/she represents and transfer the information;

5. He/she cannot get along with the team harmoniously.

The system of eliminating the lattermost is implemented for the above five conditions, and majority of the “professional representatives” make the decision and eliminate the most inappropriate one.

For the following conditions, the professional representative is directly eliminated and is not a professional fixed representative any more;

1. He/she does not participate for a continuous three terms (two days for each term), or does not participate for an accumulative three terms within the last two months;

2. He/she exploits connection with the party or the audiences, misleads the party or the audiences, is complained by the party or audiences. The eliminated “professional representative” can participate as “masses representative” or “nonprofessional representative”.

 “Masses representatives” or “nonprofessional representatives” who participate a continuous over five terms, have good self-sensation and can leave messages carefully during the period can apply to the tutor to become “professional representatives”, and they can become “professional representatives” after the approval of the tutor.



For each soulforce medicine show, we will arrange a few audiences to view, so as to form team resonance effect.

The audiences may have their own problems to solve. When viewing soulforce medicine show for others, the audiences with similar problems will have resonance with the filed, forming team atmosphere jointly and finishing the soulforce medicine show jointly. If the audiences have same or similar problems, they can get solved.

When the audiences have feeling on their seats, they can join in the team of the representatives and read and express information together. At this time, the audiences have no difference from the representatives in nature.

Each audience entering the field may become a representative automatically. Please don’t constrain and control yourself. However, the audiences shall distinguish between the information felt in the field (4D) and brain thinking (3D). The audiences can only express the information felt in the field.

Children under 12 years old shall not be brought as audiences.

The audiences who prepare to solve their own problems shall view the cases of others carefully first, and shall have their own cases proceeding after understanding and knowing the processes. Each party shall view the cases of others more, so as get more wisdom to solve his/her problems.

During the proceeding of the soulforce medicine show, the audiences shall not take photos or record videos, so as to protect the privacies of the parties.

If the party needs video data, there is a professional company on the spot to record the video and make DVD, which can be provided to the party after one week.

The participators shall not be late, otherwise they can hardly understand the content without the beginning part, and that will influence everyone on the spot.

In the proceeding process of each case of soulforce medicine show, the representatives and audiences shall not exit in the middle; otherwise the information will be brought away. After the representatives and audiences went home, they may feel information still in their bodies.

In the proceeding process of soulforce medicine show, the audiences “shall not criticize, shall not suggest, shall not compare and shall not analyze”, and they shall only watch silently. If the audiences have special feelings in their bodies, they can enter the field of soulforce medicine show and participate as representatives.

In the proceeding process of soulforce medicine show, please turn off your mobile phones consciously, so as not to interfere with and influence the proceeding of soulforce medicine show.



On most occasions, tutor refers to the therapeutist, facilitator and team leader, and it is also like director in drama. The tutor is the person who is trained and can facilitate and lead the proceeding of soulforce medicine show. The tutor is the person who facilitates the soulforce medicine show to find the reconciliation scheme and lead the party to solve the problems.

Following are some tasks of the tutor:

    Build enough cohesive force and team atmosphere to work together.

    Lead the whole team to start warm-up and then enter the individual case. Make the whole team on the spot fully feels and expresses the information.

Create enough sense of safety for the party and the whole team.

Ensure correctness of the information and safety of bodies for all the members of the team.

Distinguish information in the field from information out of the field, and stop entering of information out of the field. When finding the audiences have information in the field, guide the audiences to express in time and make them become representatives. Ensure the whole team of soulforce medicine show proceeds with the whole process.

Protect the party from misinterpreted response or analysis and criticism in the team.

The tutor must have high soul quotient and strong creative ability, but not high intelligence quotient and high emotion quotient. The tutor must have thinking ability of the 4D space, is very sensitive to the information from the 4D space, and does things according to the law of the 4D space in his/her daily life. The tutor shall not use brain to judge, and brain judgment will come back to the 3D space. Actual thinking of incompetent tutors turns around in the 3D space, but not searching for reconciliation scheme in the 4D space. Intelligence quotient and emotion quotient belong to the 3D space, and soul quotient and creative ability belong to the 4D space.

In the soulforce medicine show, it is often shown that the diseases are caused by wars with foreign countries, therefore, the tutor of soulforce medicine show must know several foreign languages, as when wars with foreign countries are shown, if the tutor does not know the language of the country, his/her disposal will not be in the position when reconciling. Tutors of soulforce medicine show with the Chinese as service object must know Japanese, as the proportion of soulforce medicine show cases involving the Sino-Japanese War is very big.

After participating for 300 class hours, the student can become junior student. After 800 class hours, the student can become intermediate student. After the student finishes practice of 3,000 hours following the tutor, the tutor can start to teach some skills of soulforce medicine show. After the tutor conducts strict training and offers appropriate ceremony, the student can start to work as a tutor.

The tutor Kuwei Zhongzheng studied the Major of Clinical Medicine and is a Medical Master. He has always been engaged in disease treating work, and later completely studied quantum theory, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, and family show etc., and he invented Quantum Resonance Information Water and soulforce medicine show. In the soulforce medicine show, it is shown that tutor Kuwei Zhongzheng has “directive soul” and a group of “protective souls” to assist with the soulforce medicine show. The “directive soul” navigates and directs the whole soulforce medicine show process. The “protective souls” protect everyone from the dangers of the soul world. Because of such good luck, the soulforce medicine show can proceed successfully each time.



When the student starts to work as a “tutor”, the original tutor must be at present as a “supervisor”. When danger arises or the new tutor does not know how to operate, the supervisor shall assist to dispose.


Gestalt therapy, psychodrama, and family show are all team psychotherapy. Gestalt therapy was created by a German psychiatrist Fritz Perls in the 1960’s. Psychodrama was created by an Austrian psychologist J.L.Moreno in Vienna in 1921. Family show was created by a German named Bert Hellinger 30 years ago. Hellinger was originally a priest, and later he studied psychology. The above are all in the category of psychology. Soulforce medicine show created by Medical Master Kuwei Zhongzheng is also team therapy, but it already exceeds the category of psychology. It utilizes the fifth force and fifth field of the universe, can make time flows back and the scenes reappear, and it is in the category of Buddhism, theology and parapsychics. Gestalt therapy, psychodrama, and family show have a lot of artificial factors, and there is no complete story appearing. While each case of soulforce medicine show show a complete story, and there is no artificial factor. In the family show, there is no previous life, animals and definite historical and social events appearing. While in soulforce medicine show, all the information related to the disease (event) will appear.


Proceeding Links of Soulforce Medicine show

The proceeding process of soulforce medicine show include four links:

 (1) Warm-up: Make the newbies get familiar with the soulforce field and practice sensitivity. Warm-up exercise lasts half an hour, 8:30-9:00 (April-November) and 9:00-9:30 when it is cold (December-March). At the same time, precautions are introduced.

 (2) Individual case of soulforce medicine show (performance): The individual case starts from 9:00 (April-December). When it is cold, individual case starts from 9:30 (December-March). Three cases are processed a day, one in the morning and two in the afternoon. At noon, rest for one and a half hours.

(3) Review and summary: Simple summary after the individual case of soulforce show completely ends.

 (4) Message record: After going back after the soulforce medicine show ends, within one week, record the information obtained as a representative or feelings in the visitor message of the Website of Riyan Company http://www.yougong.com. All the participators can leave a message. When leaving a message, the participator shall write their net name, so that it can be known who represents the role.

After one week, the cases are summed up on the Internet http://www.lingpai.org. The website has search function, and objective case can be found rapidly.


Time Arrangement of Soulforce Medicine show

Because there are soulforce medicine show only on Saturdays and Sundays(no service in the first week of each month) at present, three cases (one in the morning and two in the afternoon) can be processed a day, six cases can be processed in two days, and personnel are from all over China, it is a must to make reservation for individual case of soulforce medicine show. If no reservation is made, even if you come to the field, you can only view the cases of others as an audience, and you cannot be the party and have the individual case done.





When this book was written, 421 cases of soulforce medicine show with video record had already been finished. We selected part of the typical cases to compile into this book.

Soulforce medicine show cracking genetically modified food, swine influenza, avian influenza, Aids and Sars etc. were not translated into English.

If you want to read the original texts, you can find them in the corresponding books or on the Internet http://www.lingpai.org or http://www.yougong.com.

It is easy to understand the contents involving this life and it may be hard to understand the contents involving the previous life. In fact, it has been clearly written on the Buddhist Scriptures about the previous life and this life. What our soulforce medicine show show just proves the correctness of the Buddhist Scriptures.

Then is soulforce medicine show itself correct?

Curing the diseases is the absolute principle.

The party did not provide any clue, the events occurred in the family reappeared and were verified by the parties, and this is the absolute principle too.

This life could be proved by the parties, and symptoms and personalities etc. in the previous life mostly matched this life of the parties, why couldn’t it be proven? In addition, after the parties apologized and repented for the mistakes in their previous life, the diseases in this life were soon cured, and this also proves relativity between the previous life and this life.

Through soulforce medicine show, we found the treatment method for diseases, and also with the help of the Quantum Resonance Information Water, we can solve many diseases that the hospitals cannot treat. There is the record of Great Compassion Water in Buddhism, similar to the Quantum Resonance Information Water.

At the same time, the soulforce medicine show proves that diseases are retributive justice, and it also proves the existence of souls, immortalization of souls and reincarnation of souls.

Retributive justice, immortalization of souls and reincarnation of souls are the essence of Buddhism, and there were already clear and definite records in Buddhism. Moral system could be reconstructed through propagandizing “retributive justice”, so as to realize self-disciplining of everyone. Soulforce medicine show are a perfect tool to instruct people to follow what is good.

Is Buddhism scientific? In fact, Buddhism and science are in different categories. Science (Western medicine) is in 1D space, philosophy (Chinese medicine) is in 3D space, and Buddhism, theology and soulforce medicine show (soulforce medicine) are in 4D space. Because the dimension of science is too few, most part of the world cannot be described with science, but can be described with Buddhism, theology and soulforce medicine show (soulforce medicine).

Someone may say, you shall go to the hospital if you have diseases, and don’t believe the heresy. Sorry, the cases we selected were all the cases driven out of the gate by the hospitals. The parties already went to the hospitals, and they came to us as the hospitals could not treat. If you ask them to go back to the hospitals, they themselves would not agree. Seriousness of the diseases of the parties of soulforce medicine show has no comparability with those treated by the hospitals. They came to us after the hospitals could not treat, and the optimal treatment time was already missed. As what we cured were all such cases, we are confident to say “curing the diseases is the absolute principle”.

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