Soulforce Medicine Found the Causes and Treatment Methods for Diseases
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Soulforce Medicine Found the Causes and Treatment Methods for Diseases  

Soulforce medicine show cases recorded in this book are up till the end of 2011, and altogether 351 cases of soulforce medicine show with whole-process video record are preserved up till now. This book records case 258 – case 351, altogether 94 cases.

In the previous several books, it has been clear that 40% of major diseases are related to killing living beings, which includes killing persons, abortion and killing animals, in the previous life and in this life. Case 7 recorded in Soulforce Medicine Show is about a 73-year old English Professor in Haikou. He had back pain for 40 years and could not get it cured. Later, soulforce medicine show was conducted for him, which showed that his family killed a python, and the python’s soul possessed him, which caused his back pain. The soulforce medicine show showed that after he killed the python, his four uncles died just after the age of 30, plus other persons in his family, altogether more than 10 persons died in succession, and all these were caused by the revenge of the python. During the soulforce medicine show, the couple apologized to the python sincerely. When the soulforce medicine show proceeded to 80%, he had no back pain, and the back pain did not come back later. Soulforce medicine show is making the time flow back to the starting point of disease, finding the reason, and making corrections. If the Party apologizes sincerely, makes corrections and is excused by the revenger, after the reconciliation, he/she will be cured. If the party does not make corrections and there is no reconciliation, he/she will not be cured. Let’s recall the scene before and after the soulforce medicine show. During the soulforce medicine show, the couple did not have meal with us on the same table, as they believed in Buddha and only ate vegetarian dishes. They saw that we have animal food on our table, they did not eat them and only had noodles in clear soup. Therefore, they realized that the back pain was caused by killing the python, they apologized sincerely, and after the reconciliation, the disease was cured on the spot. That occurred on August 29, 2010.

On October 30, 2010, we conducted soulforce medicine show for a middle-aged man from Guangzhou, who had sense of suppression in the chest for 20 years. He said that when he played basketball 20 years ago, someone knocked at his chest, and he had sense of suppression in the chest ever since that. He could not have it cured, so he came to conduct soulforce medicine show. In the soulforce medicine show, it showed that he pinched a chicken to death 20 years ago and the chicken smelled. In the 3D space, the smell just passed away, but in the 4D space, the chicken’s soul had always followed him. Smell of the chicken made his breath suppressed, so he had sense of suppression in the chest. After he apologized to the chicken that he killed and apologized to the rabbit that he ever killed, six days after that, his sense of suppression in the chest disappeared. Actually, knocking at his chest is not the real reason, and the real reason is killing the chicken, and knocking at his chest is just a coincidence. This case is case 33 recorded in the book.

On October 31, 2010, I conducted soulforce medicine show for myself as I had a block of rough skin on my right index finger. The soulforce medicine show showed that I had been a Buddha who cured the sickness and saved the patient for more than 1,000 years. I had a block of rough skin on my right index finger because I twisted the beads with my thumb to the index finger when I chanted scriptures in my previous life. After it showed that I was a Buddha, I could not have meat or fish from the very night. I felt that the meat diet smelled stenchy, and became a vegetarian. This is case 35 recorded in the book.

On November 14, 2010, we conducted soulforce medicine show for a case of cancerous goiter. The soulforce medicine show showed that in the patient’s previous life, she was a farm owner and killed donkey. When she killed donkey, she stabbed the donkey on the neck to bleed. In this life, her neck had problem in the same position, which is retributive justice. She apologized to the donkey sincerely. After that, she did not have surgical operation and only used quantum resonance information water to correct the frequency, and she got cured and was healthy till now. This is case 46 of the soulforce medicine show.

On November 28, 2010, soulforce medicine show was conducted for a case of “cleft palate and soft neck of a baby” from Guiyang. The soulforce medicine show showed that the patient killed many dogs in the previous life. After the dogs were killed, their necks hanged down, so in this life, the patient’s neck also hanged down. Stabbing through the pars palatalis of the dogs made the patient had cleft palate in this life. Retributive justice was clear. On the spot of the soulforce medicine show, many corpses were jumping. Because the killing was too serious, the patient was not cured. This case is case 54 of the soulforce medicine show.

Soulforce Medicine Show – Seeing the Cause and Effect through Diseases recorded that on March 6, 2011, soulforce medicine show was conducted for a patient from Liaoning who had cervical vertebra cyst for ten years and could not have it cured in the hospital for ten years. The soulforce medicine show showed that the older generation of the patient stepped on the ants’ nest deliberately. Now in the 4D space, the ant’s soul possessed the patient. They made the ants’ nest on the cervical vertebra of the patient, so that the patient could not step on the ants’ nest any more. Therefore, the patient had cervical vertebra cyst. This is case 94 of the soulforce medicine show.

Of course, there are many such examples. We get a conclusion, “lives are equal”. We cannot kill animals at will, after the animal is killed, its body disappears in the 3D space, but its soul continues to exist in the 4D world and possesses the killer, and the killer was sick. The soulforce medicine show disclosed that in the major diseases, proportion caused by killing animals reaches 14%.

On March 20, 2011, a daughter from Chengdu conducted soulforce medicine show for her mother, who had mammary cancer for nine years and had serious headache, dizziness and nausea. The soulforce medicine show showed that her mother had an abortion. The baby’s soul possessed the mother, and hit the mother’s breast and head, and all the symptoms of the mother were caused by that. The daughter said that she did not know that her mother had an abortion. I asked the daughter to call her mother to verify, and her mother admitted that she had an abortion. After the daughter apologized to the baby’s soul sincerely, the baby’s soul forgave her mother and went back to the hell. At the same time of the soulforce medicine show. Her mother in Chengdu did not have headache and nausea any more, and her mammary cancer was also cured. This is case 110 of the soulforce medicine show.

On the same day, also on March 20, 2011, soulforce medicine show was conducted for a lady from Guangzhou, who had hyperplasia of mammary glands for 20 years and hand ache and foot ache. The soulforce medicine show showed that the lady had eight abortions, and the eight babies’ souls possessed her and hit her, and she was hit on all her body except one arm. She admitted that she had eight abortions and was almost paralytic for a period of time, and only one arm could move. She did not think that abortion could cause disease. After the soulforce medicine show showed her the scene, she apologized till crying bitterly. After the reconciliation, the babies’ souls finally rested. After she went back, within one week, her ache disappeared, and her face muscle relaxed. She looked completely another person, she had a benignant look and looked very pretty. Before that, she had intense face muscle and looked frightened. This is case 112 of the soulforce medicine show.

On August 14, 2011, soulforce medicine show was conducted for a patient in Britain who had hysterocarcinoma. The patient was in Britain and did not came, and her elder sister in China had it done. The soulforce medicine show showed that the hysterocarcinoma was caused by a baby’s soul of her abortion and soul of the turkey killed possessing her. After the sister apologized to the baby’s soul and the turkey’s soul, the baby’s soul and the turkey’s soul left and rested. Actually, the younger sister opened a restaurant in Britain, and the restaurant killed turkeys. 15 days after the soulforce medicine show, the patient went to the hospital to have examination, and cancer cell could not be found. In January 2012, she had an examination in the hospital again, and cancer cell could not be found. This is case 244 of the soulforce medicine show. The same patient had cephalagra for 20 years, and soulforce medicine show was conducted for her on November 20, 2010. At that time, she was in Britain, and her elder sister in China had it done for her. Three days after the soulforce medicine show, the cephalagra was obviously relieved, eight days after the soulforce medicine show, the cephalagra completely disappeared. This is case 49 of the soulforce medicine show.

On December 3, 2011, a wife from Jiangyin, Jiangsu conducted soulforce medicine show for her husband who had lumbago for 30 years. The soulforce medicine show showed that the couple was revenged by a baby’s soul of an abortion. The baby’s soul twisted the waist of the husband, and that’s why he had lumbago for 30 years. During the soulforce medicine show, the wife apologized to the baby’s soul, and after reconciliation, the baby’s soul rested. Within one week, the wife fed back that her husband was cured and could go to work. That is case 329 of the soulforce medicine show.

Abortion is serious killing, and the baby’s soul has hatred and revenges the mother and the father. If the decision of abortion is made by the father, the baby’s soul revenges the father with emphasis, so the father cannot escape. Sometimes, the baby’s soul transfers the anger on the brothers and sisters and makes the brothers and sisters sick.

On March 12, 2011, a wife from Hohehot, Inner Mongolia conducted soulforce medicine show for her husband. After surgical operation for rectal carcinoma, it returned and transferred broadly, and artificial anus was made. The soulforce medicine show showed that in the previous life, the couple killed the ex-girlfriend of the husband and dismembered the body. Soul of the killed girl, Xiaocui, possessed the husband and made him had rectal carcinoma. During the soulforce medicine show, Xiaocui stepped on the private parts of the man and made him losing his sexual function. Actually, catheter was inserted for the man, how could he have sexual function? This is case 98 of the soulforce medicine show.

On April 23, 2011, a sister Doctor from Nanning conducted soulforce medicine show for her younger brother who had palindromia after two cerebral cancer                                                                                                   surgical operations. The younger brother had cerebral cancer from the age of 22 and was preparing for the third surgical operation. The soulforce medicine show showed that in the previous life, the younger brother killed 38 persons and that in this life, he looked down upon his mother and said that his mother is a mental patient. The elder sister admitted that the mother was mentally sick from when the younger brother was one year old. Mental disease of the mother was caused by the younger brother too. Killing persons is serious killing living beings. If the killing persons is serious, generally it is more ominous than propitious. I said on the spot that 38 persons came to demand repayment, he could hardly survive. After the soulforce medicine show, although he got better, finally he was killed by the souls. This is case 144 of the soulforce medicine show

Diseases caused by killing living beings account for 40%.

On page 11 of Soulforce Medicine Show – Seeing the Cause and Effect through Diseases, we mentioned history disease. History diseases account for 40% of the diseases. Because the historic figures were written wrong, their souls could not rest and possess the later generations and hoped that the later generations could correct the wrong history until it is corrected. The forgery caused history diseases. In the early years, the souls possess the forger and their offspring. If it is a long time ago, the souls possess the related persons. Sometimes, it is very difficult to find the actual reason for why the souls possessed the patient.

On March 5, 2011, we conducted soulforce medicine show for a mental disease patient from Dafeng, Jiangsu. The patient was 36, female, and had been sick for 12 years. She had numerous medicines but could not get cured, so she came to have soulforce medicine show conducted. The soulforce medicine show showed a complete history of “Rebellion of An and Shi”. Yang Kwei Fei was treated unjustly and was the scapegoat. Her soul possessed the later generation and hoped that the history could be corrected. The soulforce medicine show showed that on the graduation evening, the patient heard music related to Yang Kwei Fei when dancing, and Yang Kwei Fei’s soul entered her body later. During the soulforce medicine show, it was promised to correct the history, and Yang Kwei Fei’s soul left the patient. On the spot of the soulforce medicine show, Yang Kwei Fei’s soul was not sure and came back, after subsequent communication, Yang Kwei Fei’s soul finally left the patient. After that, the lady’s mental disease was cured. She married to a man with very good economic condition on January 8, 2012. This is case 92 of the soulforce medicine show .

Soulforce Medicine Show – Declassify Diseases and History recorded many history diseases.

In the seven cases handled on June 4 and June 5, 2011, five cases involved wrong history. For example, on June 5, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Chongqing, who was bitten by a dog, and after injection of rabies vaccine, he felt wandering stabbing pain in his body and discomfort in his throat. The patient was more than twenty years old. The soulforce medicine show showed that Pan Jinlian possessed the patient. The details shown by the soulforce medicine show are as follows: Wu Song killed a pubescent female tiger, and the tiger’s soul possessed Pan Jinlian, making her sexual desire vigorous. The tiger killed Wu Dalang with the hand of Pan Jinlian to revenge Wu Song. This is a complete retributive justice. Why didn’t the tiger enter the body of Wu Song?  The soulforce medicine show showed that Wu Song had enough Yangqi, the tiger could not enter him and could only enter Pan Jinlian, and killed Wu Song’s elder brother Wu Dalang with the hand of Pan Jinlian. Here, Pan Jinlian is a victim, so she entered the later generation to voice grievances. The young man admitted that the scene in the soulforce medicine show is completely the same as the reality. The young man had spermatorrhea every night for many yeats and could not get it cured. After the soulforce medicine show, it was promised to voice grievances for Pan Jinlian, and Pan Jinlian’s soul rested. The young man was cured. From this, we can see that in the history, there really were Wu Song killing tiger and Pan Jinlian, but the author of Shuihu did not know the retributive justice and wrote Pan Jinlian as a dissolute woman. Pan Jinlian was treated unjustly and entered the body of later generation, hoping to correct the history. This is case 186 of the soulforce medicine show.

On the same day, on June 5, 2011, we conducted soulforce medicine show for “declassifying the mystery of Terra-Cotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty”, and found that many parts of the Qin history were wrong. More than 2,000 years passed, the soul of Qin Shi Huang’s mother did not rest and possessed the later generation, hoping to be corrected the history. This is case 188 of the soulforce medicine show.

On April 3, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Qingdao who fell on glaze ice 25 years before and had diseases in all his body till then”. The soulforce medicine show found that the soul of Qin Shi Huang’s mother possessed him. That was case 126 of the soulforce medicine show. Because the patient believed in Catholicism and was not willing to do according to the requirements shown in the soulforce medicine show, soon after that, I felt ache in my back shoulder. So I conducted soulforce medicine show for myself many times. On May 28, I conducted soulforce medicine show for myself as “I had pain in my shoulder for nearly two months and toothache for one week”. The soulforce medicine show showed that the historic figures who was treated unjustly came back to look for me, and asked me to notify the patient to do according to the requirements and correct the history. That case is case 178 of the soulforce medicine show. For the history of the Qin dynasty, I conducted soulforce medicine show for three times, and the soul of Qin Shi Huang’s mother rested. So we can see that there are too many mistakes in the Qin history.

This book Soulforce Medicine Show – Declassify Cause and Effect and Diseases recorded that on November 12, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Haikou who had cerebellar atrophy for three years, and her daughter did it for her. The soulforce medicine show showed that an old man from North Shanxi used his scarf to bind the head of the patient till cerebellar atrophy. Why did he bind her head? Because the patient liked to sing The East is Red. Original lyric of the song is “There comes out a Liu Zhidan in North Shanxi” instead of “there comes out a Mao Zedong in China”. The history was altered, so the soul of the old man did not rest and bind the head of the patient till cerebellar atrophy who liked to sing The East is Red. The daughter apologized to the old man on behalf of her mother and sang the correct lyric “There comes out a Liu Zhidan in North Shanxi”. So the old man did not bind the patient’s head any more and rested. Soon after that, the patient was cured. The patient did not come to the spot and the daughter did not tell her mother about the soulforce medicine show. After the daughter went back home, she found that her mother did not sing The East is Red any more. This is case 311 of the soulforce medicine show.

On October 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Nanjing who had nasitis for nearly 20 years. The soulforce medicine show showed that Deng Lijun used her songs to defuse the accumulated rancor band promote cultural integration between China and Japan. In Japan, Deng Lijun sang Chinese songs in Japanese and Japanese songs in Chinese, defusing a lot of accumulated rancor. However, many people misunderstood Deng Lijun, and her soul did not rest. In the soulforce medicine show, misunderstanding to Deng Lijun was corrected, and Deng Lijun rested. More than one hour after that case of soulforce medicine show, the patient found that the obstructed nose (he could only breathe through mouth for nearly twenty years) was cured. This is case 297 of the soulforce medicine show.

On October 29, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Yancheng, Jiangsu, who had rhinallergosis for seven and a half years. The soulforce medicine show showed that on March 19, 2004, Chen Shuibian wrote and directed gunslinging case by himself. Three days after that, on March 22, the man in Yancheng, Jiangsu had nasitis. After the soulforce medicine show, the patient asked me in confusion, “What is the relation between Chen Shuibian and me?” I answered, “It is hard to explain in a few words. And the result of the soulforce medicine show is that, but the effect can prove. One week ago, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Nanjing, and the soulforce medicine show showed that Deng Lijun sang songs in Japan. I asked the patient to sing several songs of Deng Lijun. More than one hour after the soulforce medicine show, the patient suddenly found that his nose obstructed for nearly twenty years was cured.”

That was the last case of soulforce medicine show on October 29. On the next day, on October 30, in the morning, the patient fed back that his nose was unobstructed after the soulforce medicine show, and his nasitis of seven and a half years was cured. We can see the effect of forgery causing disease instantly, and we can see the effect of declassifying the false history and correcting the false history to cure diseases instantly too. This is case 300 of the soulforce medicine show.  

Histories of the two banks of the strait are really connected and cannot be separated.

The most unforgettable soulforce medicine show is comfort woman and Nanking Massacre.

On October 17, 2011, a daughter from Haikou conducted soulforce medicine show for her father, who had insomnia and short breath for two months”. The soulforce medicine show showed that the daughter’s grandma was a comfort woman when Japan invaded China. When she heard that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan altered the teaching book, she was upset and said “Where is our government?” repeatedly. That sorrow can hardly be described. That is case 292 of the soulforce medicine show.

On December 17, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Chongqing who had depression for seven years. Not more than two minutes after the soulforce medicine show started, I saw that the Japanese bombers were dropping bombs. Just as I spoke it out, the patient cried. She said that the dream that she had from when she was young was Japanese bombers dropping bombs. The soulforce medicine show showed Nanking Massacre and that 347,634 people were killed in the Massacre. The sadder thing was that Mao, Zhou, Zhu and Jiang did not commemorate and the souls did not rest after more than 70 years. At the same time, the souls of those died in the Cross River Campaign did not rest. That is case 341 of the soulforce medicine show..

Ever since that case of soulforce medicine show, I lost sleep completely. On December 25, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for my serious insomnia. The soulforce medicine show showed the souls of those who died in Nanking Massacre and Cross River Campaign, and 370,000 souls asked me to voice grievances…… This is case 350 of the soulforce medicine show.

We living beings live in the 3D space, and the souls of the dead are in the 4D space. After a person dies, his body disappears in the 3D space, but his soul continues to exist in the 4D space. The souls exist just as we living beings, we cannot see them, but they can see us.

In addition, soulforce medicine show showed that 10% of the diseases are caused by damaging the ancestral grave, and more proportion is caused by not worshipping the ancestors.

On July 3, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient from Wenzhou who was a hepatitis B virus carrier and whose family had three generations of hepatitis B. The soulforce medicine show showed that when they worshipped ancestors, they did not worship the first five generations of ancestors, so the ancestors of the first five generations came to step on the livers of the last three generations. The patient admitted that when her family worshipped the ancestors, they only worshipped four generations, and the first five generations were not worshipped. Because the four generations moved from other place, they were not clear about the first five generations, so they did not worship them. That caused dissatisfaction of the first five ancestors, and they came to step on the livers of the last three generations. This is case 211 of the soulforce medicine show.  

On August 20, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for a patient whose family had three generations of intestinal polyp. The soulforce medicine show showed that tombs of the ancestors of the first four generations were broken, and there is a character “dragon” in the name of the ancestor. As the tombs were broken and the offspring did not worship the ancestors, the souls of the ancestors did not rest and made the last three generations had intestinal polyp. After the soulforce medicine show was finished, the patient went back to check, among his ancestors, there was really a person whose name carried the character “dragon”, and the tombs were really broken. This is case 246 of the soulforce medicine show.

From the above two cases, we can know that family inherited diseases mentioned in the western medicine do not exist, and it is just because the family encounters problems that it does not solve. Through conducting soulforce medicine show for one person, after the problem is found and handled, the ancestor rests, and problem of everyone in the family is solved.

In soulforce medicine show, the most complicated and difficult one is alien possessing or installing chips. Although the proportion is 4%, the problems caused are serious. 

On March 26, 2011, when I conducted soulforce medicine show for my aunt who had nasal cavity malignant lymphadenoma, It showed that the aliens were acting above Japan after the March 11 Earthquake in Japan. I found the aliens and the aliens found me too. This is case 114 of the soulforce medicine show.

Soon after that, I felt pain in my left shoulder. I conducted soulforce medicine show for many times and found that the aliens installed chips in my body on March 28, 2011. Finally on September 17, 2011, I took out the chips installed by the aliens. After that, I recovered. This is case 271 of the soulforce medicine show.

But I did not expect that soon after that, I felt pain in shoulder and toughness and had a stiff neck. On November 6, 2011, I conducted soulforce medicine show for myself for the painful shoulder and stiff neck of more than twenty days. The soulforce medicine show found that on the night of October 11, Martians visited me, and they made me had painful shoulder and stiff neck for more than twenty days. This is case 309 of the soulforce medicine show.

On October 15, 2011, a 70-year-old granny from Shanghai brought her 46-year-old daughter to conduct soulforce medicine show for epilepsia, abnormal thinking and abnormal emotion. The soulforce medicine show showed that she forgot her dead grandfather and aunt, and she had abortion, killed animals and her ancestral grave was broken etc. This is case 287 of the soulforce medicine show.

After they went back, the granny called me saying that her daughter was better but the disease still existed. She said that her daughter’s diseases were very complicated and she could not explain it clearly in the phone call. She said that she would write a letter to me and hoped to continue conducting soulforce medicine show. After I received the letter, I knew that her daughter had epilepsia breaking out every night from when she was young, and could not get it cured after seeking medical help. I agreed to continue conducting soulforce medicine show for for them. They settled in Shenzhen, and reserved ten soulforce medicine show. The soulforce medicine show showed that the Martians were acting on earth, influencing the daughter and her mother. Soulforce medicine show for the mother and daughter were like a TV series, disclosing many secretes.

In the 351 cases of soulforce medicine show, 19 cases were related to aliens.

In the soulforce medicine show, I also knew that the technology of Mars was only 50 years more advanced than the technology on earth. In addition, in the soulforce medicine show, I knew that there were two earths, one material earth and one consciousness earth, which are connected in the shape of “8”. There is node connecting between the two earths. Sometimes, a plane or ship suddenly disappeared and appeared again, that is because that it entered the time and space tunnel and entered the consciousness earth. Then after tens of years, it entered the material earth through the time and space tunnel and through the node. Therefore, the lost plane or ship appeared again. In addition, in the soulforce medicine show, Atlantis appeared. About the civilization of Atlantis and two earths, what the soulforce medicine show showed is similar to what Rodulf Steiner said inAnthroposophy .

The soulforce medicine show also showed the method of manufacturing flying saucers.

Soulforce Medicine Show – Seeing the Cause and Effect through Diseases; Soulforce Medicine Show – Declassify Diseases and History; Soulforce Medicine Show – Declassify Cause and Effect and Diseases; Humans should Eat Vegetarian Diet and not Kill Animals

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